Financial Services Guide
Version 1: 20 June 2022

Important Information
This Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) has been prepared and is distributed by Research Digest (the trading name of ABE Settlements Pty Ltd ABN 33 629 723 922) (“Research Digest” or “RD”) a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian Bond Exchange Holdings Limited (ABN 11 629 543 193) and an authorized representative of Australian Bond Exchange Pty Ltd AFSL 484 453, also a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian Bond Exchange Holdings Limited, collectively these companies are referred to in this guide as the “ABE Group”.
As an authorized representative of an AFSL holder, RD is required to provide you with important information to assist you as you consider whether to use our financial services.
The purpose of this FSG is to:
• Explain who we are and how we can be contacted;
• Ensure you receive important information about the type of financial services we are authorized to provide to you;
• Assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services we are authorized to provide to you;
• Provide you with information about the remuneration we may receive in relation to the financial services offered;
• Explain how we (and other relevant parties) are remunerated; and
• Outline how we will handle any complaints received.
If you choose to purchase any financial product offered by RD, you may also receive other important documents, such as a Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”), an offering document, or an FSG from one of our partners. A PDS contains important information to assist you to make a decision about a specific product. The PDS and/or offer document contains key features of the proposed product, significant benefits, risks, and the fees you pay the product provider to professionally manage your investment.
You should read any warning contained in a PDS or offer document carefully before making any decision in relation to a financial strategy or product.

About RD
Research Digest is an Australian-owned, boutique financial services company assisting clients in building knowledge and wealth through our subscription reports and other products. We aim to achieve this goal through education on the bond market and investment strategies.
RD is wholly owned by Australian Bond Exchange Holdings Limited “ABE” (ABN 11 629 543 193), an ASX-listed company providing advice and dealing services predominantly in corporate bonds.

Our financial services and products
RD and its Authorised Representatives are authorized to provide general financial product advice to both retail and wholesale clients on securities.
RD strives to deliver high-quality information and general advice on securities, which may include overseas securities. RD provides a range of products including report services for clients to subscribe to.
Before acting on any information or general advice you receive, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice and suitability of the relevant product having regard to your individual objectives, financial situation, risk tolerance, experience, and needs. You should seek financial advice from a person qualified to provide personal advice and read the relevant PDS or other offer documents prior to making any investment decision.

About general advice
Any investment advice we provide to you in relation to services offered or specific financial products will be general in nature and will be prepared without taking into account your individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Accordingly, before acting on any advice, you should consider the appropriateness of it, and the relevant product, in regard to your objectives, financial situation, and needs. In addition to this FSG, you may receive other documents from us. If we propose that you invest in or purchase any particular financial products, we will provide you with or refer you to a PDS or private offer document, if one is available. The PDS contains information about the product to assist you in making an informed decision about that product. It will outline relevant terms, significant risks (where such exist), fees, and charges associated with the product. You should read any warnings contained in the PDS or offer document carefully before making any decision relating to a financial strategy or product. You should also seek independent personal financial advice and read the relevant PDS or other offer documents prior to acquiring a financial product.

Remuneration and benefits we receive
RD may charge fees for the services we provide or facilitate. These fees may be charged in various ways which may include, but may not be limited to:
• Subscription or service fees; and
• Other benefits that are paid with your consent.
RD may refer you to a service provider within the Australian Bond Exchange Group in relation to other services or products or, with your permission to an external product or service provider. We may receive a referral fee for introducing you to the specialist or internal product provider. Neither RD nor RD employees or representatives are liable nor endorse products or services provided by external providers.
Directors, employees, and contractors are remunerated by way of set salaries and contract fees. Directors, employees, and contractors may receive bonuses based on overall company, team, and personal performance.
Alternative Remuneration – Any other form of remuneration, such as gifts, entertainment, or sponsorship, is recorded by RD on a central register. A copy of this register may be made available within seven days of a reasonable and related request.

Relations or associations with financial product providers
RD has commercial arrangements in place with various product providers in order to provide financial services to you. Any related fees and charges will be disclosed to you prior to services being offered.
RD also has referral services arrangements in place with entities within the ABE Group whereby RD products and services may be promoted and sold to clients of other entities within the ABE Group and RD is authorized to promote the products and services that may be offered by other entities within the Group.

Our contact details

Research Digest

Email: Website:

Address: Level 19, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 8000 3579

Professional Indemnity Insurance
As part of the ABE group, RD holds a professional indemnity insurance policy that satisfies the regulatory requirements for compensation arrangements under Section 912B of the Corporations Act. Subject to the terms and conditions, the arrangements provide cover for civil liability resulting from third-party claims concerning the professional services provided by RD and its employees and representatives.

What should you do if you have a complaint?
If you have any complaints about the services provided to you, we have established complaints resolution procedures that aim to deal with and resolve your complaint quickly and effectively.
We encourage you to contact your RD Account Manager in the first instance to discuss your concerns as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may contact the Complaints Officer in writing, by email, over the phone, or in person:

Complaints Officer
By email to
By mail to Level 19, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 By phone on +61 2 8000 3579

The Complaints Officer will resolve your complaint or advise you of the steps that RD shall take to review and address your complaint. The issues involved may be complex and subject to special regulations.
In either case, you will receive an acknowledgment within 24 hours (or as soon as practicable) of your complaint being received. We will provide you with our written reasons for the outcome of your complaint within 30 days where your complaint is not resolved within 5 business days of us receiving your complaint or if you request a written response.
The ABE Group is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an ASIC-authorised external dispute resolution scheme for the financial services industry. If your complaint isn’t resolved to your satisfaction within 30 days, you may then refer the matter to AFCA using the following contact details:
Phone: 1800 931 678 (toll free Australia-wide)
Fax: +61 3 9613 6399
Email: Online:

We also urge you to refer to our Client Complaints Policy available on our website where we explain our complaint handling process in detail.

Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy, and security of the personal information provided to us about you by you or others with who you have consented to provide such information. The information is protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Your personal information will be primarily used for providing you with general financial advice. If you choose not to provide the personal information requested, we may be unable to provide some or all of the services required.
Your Personal Information will only be disclosed internally within RD and third-party service providers in accordance with our Privacy Policy and as required by law. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which is available at or can be sent directly to you via email or post on request.